SBS: Who Do I Contact For?

Stony Brook School
Who Do I Contact For...?

Who do I contact if my child is absent?

Beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, all student absences must be reported through the Genesis Parent Portal. Absences may no longer be reported by phone or email. Please use this link for instructions on how to submit an absence.

Dismissal Changes
Please send a note in with your child with any dismissal changes for the day. If there is an emergent need to change dismissal that arises during the day, please call Ms. Christine Kilcomons at 908-722-2400 x 1010 or email [email protected]

Classroom Problems?
If your child is experiencing any difficulties in class, the best place to begin is by contacting his or her teacher.

Teacher Contact Information

If the teacher is unable to help you or you need additional assistance, you should contact the school guidance counselor, Ms. Caroline Och at [email protected] or 908-722-2400 X 1040.

You may also contact the Principal, Mrs. Kristen Kries at [email protected] or 908-722-2400.

If your child is classified, and he/she is experiencing difficulties in addition to contacting your child's classroom teachers, you might also contact your child's case manager. You can find your case manager's contact information in the Stony Brook School Directory.

Nurses Office
If you are looking for school medical information or resources, please visit the Health Services Website.

If you are wondering if you need to keep you child home, please visit the Common Illnesses Page for some general guidelines.

If you are looking for a health form, please see: Stony Brook School Health Services Forms

For other health related inquiries, please contact the school nurse, Ms. Maribel Rizzuto at [email protected] or at 908-722-2400 X 1050.

Busing Issues
Who do I call if I have a concern related to transportation?

You would contact the Director of Transportation, Ms. Emma Rebelo at [email protected] or 908-725-2895 X5130.

Password Problems
If you do not have a Genesis Parent Portal ID, please contact your child's school office for assistance or email: [email protected].

Whiton School (Preschool through 3rd Grade): 908-371-0842 or [email protected]

Stony Brook School (4 and 5th Grade): 908-722-2400 or [email protected]

BCMS (6th, 7th and 8th Grade): 908-526-1415 or [email protected]

If I would like to know more about the District's Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying Policy?

View the Harassment Bullying or Intimidation Page.

If I am concerned that my child might be being bullied or harassed?

You should contact Stony Brook Anti-Bullying Specialist, Ms. Caroline Och at [email protected] or 908-722-2400 X 1040.

Who do I contact if I have questions about Stony Brook's cafeteria?

Please contact Stony Brook's Cafeteria Manager, Ms. Kim Murphy at 908-722-2400 X 1070.

Where do I go to make an online payment for the cafeteria or to check my child's balance?

PaySchools Central

Who would I contact if I have a question or concern about the curriculum being taught in Branchburg Township Schools?

Many of your questions may be answered by looking at the information posted on the Curriculum Website:

Branchburg Township Schools Curriculum
Standards Based Report Cards
Core Content Standards
Standardized Testing Schedules
Instructional Support
Gifted & Talented Instructions

If you are unable to find the information you are looking for online, please contact your child's teacher:

Teacher Contact Information

If the teacher is unable to help you or you need additional assistance, you should contact your school's Principal, Mrs. Kristen Kries at [email protected] or 908-722-2400.

If you still require additional information after speaking with your child's teacher and the school administration, please contact the K-8 Supervisor of Educational Programs, Ms. Erica Landesberg at [email protected] or 908-722-3373 X 4610.

Student Services
If I wanted to find out information about the Student Services Department, where would I look?

You would visit the Student Services Section of our website. This section contains information about the Student Services department, developmental counseling, Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS), and a collection of frequently asked questions and answers.

Who would I contact concerning State and Standardized testing being done in Branchburg Township Schools?

Testing schedules are posted online at Standardized Testing Schedules.
You could also contact the K-8 Director of Educational Programs & Student Support Services, Ms. Jennifer Anderson at [email protected] or 908-722-3373 X 4610.

Who would I contact if an issue relating to the technology being used in Branchburg Township Schools?

You would contact the Director of Technology, Eric Schaefer, [email protected], 908-526-3060 X 4660.

Before and After School Programs
Who should I contact with questions or concerns about the Before and After Care Programs?

You should contact Darnell Scott at the Jointure Office 908-722-0233 Extension 110.

Student Activities Before and After School
If you have a question about activities occurring outside the normal school day, you should contact the individual running the program.

Intramurals- Mr. Mehnert -  [email protected] 908-722-2400 X 1107

Art Club- Mrs. Rueger -  [email protected] or 722-2400 X 1112
Band Program- Mrs. Bontomase -  [email protected] or 722-2400 X1209
Strings Program- Mrs. Maroon -  [email protected] or 722-2400 X 1113
Chorus Program- Mrs. Maroon - [email protected] or 722-2400 X 1113

Who do I contact if I wish to book a school gym for my organization?

To book one of BCMS's gyms, you would contact Ms. Laurie Gorman at [email protected] or 908-526-1415 X 1-4101.

To book the Stony Brook gym, you would contact Ms. Elli Kuras at [email protected] or 908-722-2400 X 1-1020.

To book the Whiton gym, you would contact Ms. Elaine Ahedo at [email protected] or 908-371-0842 X 1-3020.

If you have another facilities related question or concern, you would contact Mr. Samad Mobley at [email protected] or 908-722-7213.

If you would like to request that an item is included in the Community Bulletin Board on the website or in the Monthly Newsletter, please contact our web team at [email protected]

If you notice an outdated or incorrect item on the website that needs to be updated, please contact our web team at [email protected] 

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