
School Contact Information

Please use the contact information below for the school your student will be attending.

Step 1:

Documents needed to bring to appointment (virtual or otherwise):

  1. Online registration confirmation (see Step 2).

  2. Completed "Registration Documents" listed under student's school in the "School Contact Information" section below.

  3. Student's original birth certificate with raised seal (or passport).

  4. Proof of Branchburg residency. Acceptable proof is tax bill, deed, rent receipt, utility bill. Cell phone bills are NOT acceptable.

  5. Copy of student's immunization and a current (within a year) physical form.

  6. Latest report card/standardized test results.

  7. Student transfer card (if applicable).

  8. Official custody papers (if applicable). 

Step 2:

To register a student at one of our Branchburg Schools (K-8) please complete our:
Online Registration.

If you do not have access to a computer, please call the school your student will be attending and schedule an appointment to use one. If that is not possible, please use the "Off Line Registration Packet" of the Registration Documents listed in your school tab in the "School Contact Information" section above.

Once you enter the site, there are three registration sections that you will need to click on and complete. These are:

  1. Register Students

  2. Contacts and Addresses - Branchburg 08876 or Neshanic Station 08853

  3. Review and Submit

After submitting your information, you will need to print a confirmation to bring with you to your appointment.

Step 3:

Using the School Contact Information on the top of this page, please contact the Registrar at the school your student will be attending to schedule an appointment.

Whiton: Ms. Jacqueline Breese
Stony Brook School: Ms. Christine Kilcomons
Central Middle School:    Ms. Laurie Gorman

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