Radon Testing in Schools

Radon Testing in Schools

  •  Staff Resources


  • Stony Brook School

    In 2003 we completed a building renovation project where all new additions which was provided with under ground radon piping to remove any possible radon from getting into the building as per State and Local building codes. Then we followed through with standard Testing results for area of student occupation of the Stony Brook school see attached letter. All our building were clear and were not in areas of high radon levels according to Department of Environmental Protection Agency.http://www.njradon.org/school.htm

  • Whiton Elementary School

    In 1997 and 2003 we completed a two major building projects with new building and renovation where all areas which was provided with under ground radon piping to remove any possible radon from getting into the building as per State and Local building codes. Then we followed through with standard Testing results for area of student occupation of the Whiton Elementary school see attached letter. All our building were clear and were not in areas of high radon levels according to Department of Environmental Protection Agency. http://www.njradon.org/school.htm

  • Central Middle School

    In 2003 we completed a major building renovation project where all new additions which was provided with under ground radon piping to remove any possible radon from getting into the building as per State and Local building codes. Then we followed through with standard Testing results for area of student occupation of the Central Middle school see attached letter. All our building were clear and were not in areas of high radon levels according to Department of Environmental Protection Agency. http://www.njradon.org/school.htm

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