Fire Safety Notice

Fire Safety rule

The following should be adhered to for you and your student's protection.

  1. Make sure there is a building map with a clear red arrow directing you out of the building to nearest exit. Note you should be aware of a second way out. (To next closest door or windows if hallway/doors are blocked).


  2. If you see smoke or fire in your room or building take all occupants out of room and pull the nearest pull station on your way out.

  3. Don't put any decorations on doors, door handles or door frames inside or out.

  4. Don't put fans or other equipment in doorways (within 3 feet) for safe egress.

  5. Don't place extra furniture and items in hallways or in front of doors.

  6. Don't put any decorations on windows, frames or shades.

  7. Don't hang any decorations from ceilings (also no wire hanging below ceiling allow in rooms).

  8. Extension cords are not used for more then one day. They are to be used only as temporary hookups. (i.e. overheads, projectors, etc..)

  9. Permanent extension cords must be a surge bar with circuit protector built in.

  10. All extension cords, equipment cords must have three prongs 14/2 gauge without broken ends and cord in good order (i.e. no cuts, twists, loose ends or brakes).

  11. All rugs, curtains, and fabric furniture must be approved by Principal to be fire rated with proper paper work on file (copy in Supervisor of B/G office).

  12. No appliances are to be used in classrooms; all appliances are to be used in kitchen areas only . (i.e. microwaves, coffee makers, Toaster oven, warmers, etc.. ) Note: all appliances must be inspected by district.

  13. No gas/propane burners or open flames are permitted in building.

  14. No gas or other flammable products are allowed in building.

  15. If you have fire equipment in room make sure that it is inspected and in its proper hangers. (i.e. extinguishers, fire blankets)

  16. Report broken switches or receptacles for immediate repair.

  17. Do not use equipment or plugs that spark, make sure that equipment is off when plugging in then turn on.

  18. Do not put any items in front of any electrical panel or equipment. (30” space)

  19. No storage of items on top shelves in any area over 6' (storage areas 18” from ceiling).

  20. No door is to be blocked open with any objects. (i.e. wedge, door stop, chairs, etc..)

  21. All large use areas are posted for maximum occupancy. Please follow.

Thank you for keeping our buildings safe!

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