Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ Picture

I get confused by all the meetings. Can you explain the different types of meetings that occur before and after classification?

At what point is my child considered classified?

Does my child have to be classified to have speech/language services?

I would like my child evaluated for special education eligibility by an outside agency. Can this be done?

I have had a private evaluator assess my child and several recommendations are made in the evaluator's report. Will these be accepted by the district?

My child is receiving private services outside the school day and is responding well to the methodology that is used in this program. Will the school district adopt this methodology if I request it?

Are parents part of the team who decides eligibility for special education and related services?

What do I do if I just want occupational therapy?

When is a child eligible for Extended School Year (ESY) services?

As a parent, am I a member of the CST and IEP team?

What are related services?

Once my child is classified, can my child have transportation if I live too close for the regular bus?

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